Thursday, March 5, 2009

today i like...

Despite all its troubles, journalism is ultimately a romantic field to enter. Telling stories for a living, playing with words, picking out type — separated from the annoyances of every day work, all are hella more interesting and fun than most job requirements.

So, that said, the romantic in me can't resist anything writer or typography themed because, c'mon, I'm a writer.

1) Memo Notebook mug, $12.95 from Fishs Eddy.
2) Type coasters, set in one of my favorites — Baskerville. $45 at Veer.
3) "N" Alphabet mug, also from Fishs Eddy.
4) Ampersand faux cufflinks. Genius design that works on both regular and French cuffs. $49, also at Veer.

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